We are pleased to announce the program of the 12th TOP Webinar, which is scheduled for 29th April, Thursday, CEST*(UTC+2:00) 16:00-17:30. Please register at this link. This event will also be livestreamed on YouTube with this permanent link.
Considering manufacturing aspects at an early design optimization stage is important to ensure that obtained designs can be realized. Within topology optimization, design for manufacturing therefore forms an active field of study, further stimulated by (but not limited to) technological developments in additive manufacturing. In this Thematic Session of the TOP Webinar Series, recent research on various aspects of topology optimization for manufacturing will be presented and discussed. We look forward to see you there!
* Note that this time in your time zone might be different from previous TOP Webinars, due to the transition from European daylight-saving time. For reference, CEST 16:00 on April 29th is 7:00 Los Angeles, 10:00 New York, 22:00 Beijing, 0:00 Sydney.
Host: Matthijs Langelaar (Delft University of Technology)
1. “Simultaneous topology and fastener layout optimization of assemblies considering joint failure”, Olaf Ambrozkiewicz and Benedikt Kriegesmann.
Based on International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 122, no. 1 (2021): 294-319, https://dx.doi.org/10.1002/nme.6538
2. “Topology optimization with discrete geometric components made of composite materials”, Hollis Smith and Julián A. Norato.
Based on Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 376 (2021): 113582,
3. “Design of spatially-varying orthotropic infill structures using multiscale topology optimization and explicit de-homogenization”, Jaewook Lee, Chiyoung Kwon, Jeonghoon Yoo, Seungjae Min, Tsuyoshi Nomura, and Ercan M. Dede.
Based on Additive Manufacturing (2021): 101920, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.addma.2021.101920
4. “Concurrent shape optimization of the part and scanning path for additive manufacturing”, Mathilde Boissier, Grégoire Allaire, and Christophe Tournier.
Based on https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-03124075/document (Preprint, 2021)
5. “Additive manufacturing oriented topology optimization of structures with self-supported enclosed voids”, Luo, Yunfeng, Ole Sigmund, Quhao Li, and Shutian Liu.
Based on Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 372 (2020): 113385.
We are looking forward to meeting you online soon!