TOP Webinar 33: Topology Optimization in Industry. Oct. 24, 2024, CEST 16:00-17:00

We are pleased to announce the program of the 33rd TOP Webinar, a thematic session on “Topology Optimization in Industry”. It is scheduled for the 24th of October 2024, 16:00-17:00 CEST (UTC+2) Time zone converter.
Please register at this link. This event will also be live-streamed on YouTube with this permanent link.

Hosts: Jun Wu (TU Delft), Niels Aage (DTU Denmark), Matthijs Langelaar (TU Delft)


1 – Ming Zhou (Altair)
Industrial application of topology optimization – past, present, and future
Abstract: Industry adoption of topology optimization accelerated approximately two decades ago, when Airbus and Boeing incorporated it for their respective new airliner programs Boeing 787 and Airbus 380 and 350. About 10 years ago, the technology gained broader visibility with the rise of additive manufacturing, as its generative design narrative captured widespread attention. This talk aims to (1) review the technology’s evolution; (2) assess its current status and associated challenges; (3) offer insights into what the next generation of technology could look like, along with its impact on product engineering.

2 – Claus Pedersen (SIMULIA, Dassault Systèmes)
Industrial EV Applications – Structural and Multidisciplinary Modeling for Sensitivity based Optimization Workflows
Abstract: Due to sustainability, the Transport and Mobility (T&M) sector has started a transformation from conventional Fossil based systems to Electric Vehicles (EVs). Thus, we suggest applying CAE workflows including structural and multidisciplinary modeling and non-parametric optimization approaches based upon adjoint sensitivities for addressing the challenges for deriving new and improved designs.
Initial, we address classic structural modeling and topology optimization for lightweight, stiffness, strength and dynamic properties. Additionally, we apply a fatigue reserve factor for infinite fatigue life optimization including multiaxial and non-proportional loading of wheel system components. Furthermore, a geometrically nonlinear quasi-static analysis and a new stabilization scheme for the void elements are applied for buckling optimization of the components. Afterwards, we apply multiphysics modeling for optimizing the low frequency and high frequency electrical applications of EVs as the electrical machine performance and antenna performance. To conclude, the applied applications will also address End-to-End optimization workflow including automated CAD-reconstruction as well as optimization of numerous CAD parameters using intermediate field representations based upon semi‐analytical gradient‐based optimization of exact CAD models.

3 – Paul Lacko (Diabatix)
Topology optimization of a heat sink for cryogenic flow boiling
Abstract: Novel heat transfer solutions are highly sought after across industries facing thermal management challenges. Topology optimization plays a pivotal role in pushing the boundaries of performance in these applications. At Diabatix, we leverage this technology to deliver manufacturable cooling solutions to our clients. In this presentation, we will discuss a case study of a topology-optimized liquid nitrogen CPU cooler designed to operate at -196°C. Experimental analysis demonstrates that this heat sink significantly outperforms its conventional counterpart.


Dr. Ming Zhou is currently the Chief Engineer at Altair, where he leads the development of computational mechanics and design optimization solutions. Since joining Altair in 1998, he has served as the chief architect for the company’s optimization technology. OptiStruct, one of Altair’s flagship products, is widely recognized for pioneering topology optimization across a range of industrial applications. Notably, OptiStruct contributed to a 40% weight reduction in the wing leading-edge ribs of the Airbus A380 through topology optimization. It has also played a crucial role in the lightweighting of the Boeing 787 and Airbus A350. These successes extend across major industries, including aerospace, automotive, rail, heavy industry, electronics, consumer goods, and architectural design.
Dr. Zhou has been an active member of the structural and multidisciplinary optimization (SMO) research community. Since 2020, he has been serving as the Editor-in-Chief of the journal Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization and was the Vice President of the International Society of Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization (ISSMO) from 2019 to 2023. He has published over 100 research papers in journals and at conferences, garnering over 6,500 citations. Notably, he was among the original authors of the SIMP method for topology optimization.

Dr. Claus Pedersen is Optimization Technology Director for the Multiphysics/Multidiscipline domain of R&D SIMULIA, Dassault Systèmes where he has the job role of defining R&D strategies, inventing and examining the technology of new optimization methodologies, coding of CAE and optimization kernels, technical due diligence, coaching and knowledge sharing for core optimization technologies, research projects and numerical implementations, worldwide presale for customers and presenting at conferences, and corporations with leading international universities. Additionally, his role is highly interdisciplinary working with different teams and organizations involving crossover brand activities from R&D, marketing to international sales on latest technologies.
He has continued to have a strong connection to applied science and research since he received his Ph.D. at Department of Mechanical Engineering, Solid Mechanics, Technical University of Denmark in 2002 and his work the following 2 years as Research Associate at Department of Engineering, Cambridge University, UK. He is reviewing for thirteen international journals, external examiner at several technical universities and supervisor of interns. He has published 24 articles in reviewed international journals and held many presentations at international conferences.

Dr. Paul Lacko is a mechanical engineer and works as a Senior R&D Engineer at Diabatix. He joined the company in 2021 after completing his PhD at KU Leuven. His research focused on enhancing the manufacturability of topology-optimized micro heat sink designs using filtering and homogenization-based methods. At Diabatix, Dr. Lacko contributes to the development of the company’s flagship product, ColdStream, a generative design platform that helps engineers optimize thermal performance. Diabatix collaborates worldwide with leading customers across diverse industries such as automotive, LED lighting, and semiconductor manufacturing, positioning itself as a pioneer in advanced thermal management solutions.

TOP Webinar 32: Truss optimization. Sep. 26, 2024, CEST 16:00-17:00

We are pleased to announce the program of the 32nd TOP Webinar, a thematic session on “Truss Optimization”. It is scheduled for the 26th of September 2024, 16:00-17:00 CEST (UTC+2) Time zone converter.
Please register at this link. This event will also be live-streamed on YouTube with this permanent link.

Host: Helen Fairclough (University of Sheffield, United Kingdom)

1 – Helen Fairclough (University of Sheffield, United Kingdom)
Helen E. Fairclough, “Adaptive member adding for truss topology optimization: application to elastic design.” Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization 67, no. 7 (2024): 121.

2 –  Jonas Warmuth (EPFL, Switzerland)
Jonas Warmuth, Pierluigi D’Acunto, and Corentin Fivet. “Computational conceptual design–typological exploration of spatial truss systems through optimization.” Journal of the International Association for Shell and Spatial Structures 64, no. 4 (2023): 289-297.

3 – Enrico Stragiotti (ONERA, France)
Enrico Stragiotti, François-Xavier Irisarri, Cédric Julien, and Joseph Morlier. “Efficient 3D truss topology optimization for aeronautical structures.” Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization 67, no. 3 (2024): 42.

TOP Webinar 31: Topology optimization of soft robots. May 23, 2024, CEST 11:00-12:00

We are pleased to announce the program of the 31st TOP Webinar, a thematic session on “Topology optimization of soft robots”. It is scheduled for the 23rd of May 2024, 11:00-12:00 CEST (UTC+2) Time zone converter.
(Please note the change to the common time.)

Following our new format, introduced in January, each webinar will revolve around a specific theme, comprising an educational/review paper (20 minutes) and two latest articles (10 minutes x 2) related to the same topic. The entire session will last for 1 hour.

Please register at this link. This event will also be live-streamed on YouTube with this permanent link.

Host: Josh Pinskier (CSIRO Robotics, Australia)

1 – Josh Pinskier, CSIRO Robotics, Australia
Matheus S. Xavier, Charbel D. Tawk, Ali Zolfagharian, Joshua Pinskier, David Howard, Taylor Young, Jiewen Lai, Simon M. Harrison, Yuen K. Yong, Mahdi Bodaghi, and Andrew J. Fleming, “Soft pneumatic actuators: A review of design, fabrication, modeling, sensing, control and applications”. IEEE Access 10 (2022): 59442-59485.

2 – Prabhat Kumar, IIT Hyderabad, India
Prabhat Kumar, “SoRoTop: a hitchhiker’s guide to topology optimization MATLAB code for design-dependent pneumatic-driven soft robots”, Optimization and Engineering (2023): 1-35.

3 – Anna Dalklint, Lund University, Sweden
Anna Dalklint, Mathias Wallin, and Daniel Tortorelli, “Simultaneous shape and topology optimization of inflatable soft robots”. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 420 (2024), 116751.

TOP Webinar 30: Multiscale Topology Optimization. April 23, 2024, CEST 16:00-17:00

We are pleased to announce the program of the 30th TOP Webinar, a thematic session on “Multiscale Topology Optimization”. It is scheduled for the 23rd of April 2024, 16:00-17:00 CEST (UTC+2) Time zone converter.
(As we switch to summer time in Europe since the end of March, the time difference to your local time zone might be different now.)

Following our new format, introduced in January, each webinar will revolve around a specific theme, comprising an educational/review paper (20 minutes) and two latest articles (10 minutes x 2) related to the same topic. The entire session will last for 1 hour.

Please register at this link. This event will also be live-streamed on YouTube with this permanent link.

Host: Jun Wu (TU Delft, Netherlands)

1 – Jun Wu, TU Delft, Netherlands
Jun Wu, Ole Sigmund, and Jeroen P. Groen. “Topology optimization of multi-scale structures: a review.” 
Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization 63 (2021): 1455-1480.

2 – Rebekka V. Woldseth, DTU Denmark
Rebekka V. Woldseth, J. Andreas Bærentzen, and Ole Sigmund. “Phasor noise for dehomogenisation in 2D multiscale topology optimisation.” Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 418 (2024): 116551.

3 – Xiaojia Shelly Zhang, University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign, US
Yingqi Jia, Ke Liu, and Xiaojia Shelly Zhang. “Topology optimization of irregular multiscale structures with tunable responses using a virtual growth rule.” Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 425 (2024): 116864.

TOP Webinar 29: Data-Driven Multiscale Design. March 26, 2024, CET 16:00-17:00

We are pleased to announce the program of the 29th TOP Webinar, a thematic session on “Data-Driven Multiscale Design”. It is scheduled for the 26th of March 2024, 16:00-17:00 CET (UTC+1) Time zone converter.

Following our new format, introduced in January, each webinar will revolve around a specific theme, comprising an educational/review paper (20 minutes) and two latest articles (10 minutes x 2) related to the same topic. The entire session will last for 1 hour.

Please register at this link. This event will also be live-streamed on YouTube with this permanent link.

Host: Dr. Wei Chen (Northwestern University, USA)

1 – Dr. Wei Chen, Wilson-Cook Professor in Engineering Design, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Northwestern University, USA
Doksoo Lee, Wei Chen, Liwei Wang, Yu‐Chin Chan, and Wei Chen. “Data‐Driven Design for Metamaterials and Multiscale Systems: A Review.” Advanced Materials (2023): 2305254.

2 – Dr. Dennis M. Kochmann, Professor, Department of Mechanical and Process Engineering, ETH Zurich, Switzerland
Jan-Hendrik Bastek, and Dennis M. Kochmann, “Inverse Design of Nonlinear Mechanical Metamaterials via Video Denoising Diffusion Models.” Nature Machine Intelligence 5, 1466–1475 (2023).

3 – Dr. Mohammad J. Mirzaali, Assistant Professor, Department of Biomechanical Engineering, Delft University of Technology (TU Delft), Netherlands
Helda Pahlavani, Kostas Tsifoutis‐Kazolis, Mauricio C. Saldivar, Prerak Mody, Jie Zhou, Mohammad J. Mirzaali, and Amir A. Zadpoor. “Deep Learning for Size‐Agnostic Inverse Design of Random‐Network 3D Printed Mechanical Metamaterials.” Advanced Materials 36, no. 6 (2024): 2303481

TOP Webinar 28: Topology optimization for additive manufacturing. Feb. 27, 2024, CET 16:00-17:00

We are pleased to announce the program of the 28th TOP Webinar, a thematic session on “Topology optimization for additive manufacturing”. It is scheduled for the 27th of February 2024, 16:00-17:00 pm CET (UTC+1) Time zone converter.

Following our new format, introduced in January, each webinar will revolve around a specific theme, comprising an educational/review paper (20 minutes) and two latest articles (10 minutes x 2) related to the same topic. The entire session will last for 1 hour.

Please register at this link. This event will also be live-streamed on YouTube with this permanent link.

Host: Matthijs Langelaar (TU Delft) and Can Ayas (TU Delft)

1 – Mohamad Bayat (DTU), Matthijs Langelaar (TU Delft) and Can Ayas (TU Delft)
Holistic computational design within additive manufacturing through topology optimization combined with multiphysics multi-scale materials and process modelling
Mohamad Bayat, Olga Zinovieva, Federico Ferrari, Can Ayas, Matthijs Langelaar, Jon Spangenberg, Roozbeh Salajeghe, Konstantinos Poulios, Sankhya Mohanty, Ole Sigmund, Jesper Hattel
Progress in Materials Science, 2023

2 – Peter Dørffler Ladegaard Jensen (DTU)
Efficient inverse-designed structural infill for complex engineering structures
Peter Dørffler Ladegaard Jensen, Tim Felle Olsen, J. Andreas Bærentzen, Niels Aage, Ole Sigmund
Thin-Walled Structures, 2024

3 – Joseph R. Kubalak (Virginia Tech, USA)
Improving mechanical performance in material extrusion parts via optimized toolpath planning
Joseph R. Kubalak, Nathaniel J. Root, Alfred L. Wicks, Christopher B. Williams
Additive Manufacturing, 2024

TOP Webinar 27: Fluid topology optimization. Jan. 30, 2024, CET 16:00-17:00

To kick off the new year, we’re introducing a fresh series of TOP Webinars featuring a modified format. Each webinar will revolve around a specific theme, comprising an educational/review paper (20 minutes) and two latest articles (10 minutes x 2) related to the same topic. The entire session will last for 1 hour.

The January session is centered around Fluid topology optimization, scheduled for 30th Jan. 2024, 16:00-17:00 pm CET (UTC+1) Time zone converter.

Please register at this link. This event will also be livestreamed on YouTube with this permanent link.

Host: Joe Alexandersen (University of Southern Denmark, Denmark)

1 – Joe Alexandersen (University of Southern Denmark, Denmark)
A detailed introduction to density-based topology optimisation of fluid flow problems with implementation in MATLAB
Joe Alexandersen
Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, 2022

2 – Maarten Theulings (TU Delft, The Netherlands)
Towards improved porous models for solid/fluid topology optimization
Maarten J. B. Theulings, Matthijs Langelaar, Fred van Keulen & Robert Maas
Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, 2023

3 – Elie Hachem (PSL University, France)
Large-scale parallel topology optimization of three-dimensional incompressible fluid flows in a level set, anisotropic mesh adaptation framework
W. Abdel Nour, A. Larcher, D. Serret, P. Meliga, E. Hachem
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 2023

TOP Webinar 26: Multiphysics topology optimization. March 23, 2023, CET 16:00-17:30

We are pleased to announce the program of the 26th TOP Webinar, a thematic session on “Multiphysics topology optimization”. It is scheduled for the 23rd March 2023, 16:00-17:30 pm CET (UTC+1) Time zone converter.

Please register at this link. This event will also be livestreamed on YouTube with this permanent link.

Hosts: G. Allaire, S. Amstutz, B. Bogosel (Ecole Polytechnique, France)


1 – H Alicia Kim, Andreas Neofytou (UC San Diego)
Title: Level Set Topology Optimization for Fluid-Structure Interaction

Abstract: In this work we introduce a level set topology optimization methodology for solving fluid-structure interaction (FSI) problems. The design dependency of the problem is handled through a particle method which employs the implicit representation of the level set boundary.  For the solution of the FSI problem the modified immersed finite element method (mIFEM) is used, which decouples the fluid and solid domains enabling modularity in the solvers. This allows for the combination of a background grid for the fluid and the reproducing kernel particle method (RKPM) for the solid, to solve the FSI problem efficiently and without remeshing. Benchmarking FSI examples are solved and compared with the literature.

– Neofytou A., Huang T-H., Kambampati S., Picelli R., Chen J-S and Kim H. A. (2021), Level set topology optimization with nodally integrated reproducing kernel particle method, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, Volume 385, 1 November 2021, 114016.
– Neofytou A., Yu F., Chu S., Zhang L. T., Kim H. A. (2023), Level Set Topology Optimization for Fluid-Structure Interactions, Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, submitted

2 – Augusto Romero, Sebastian Giusti (UTN Argentina)
Title: Optimum design of electro-thermo-mechanical devices via topological derivatives

Abstract: This work focuses on the design of flexible actuators governed by multiphysics phenomena. The objective is to obtain optimal designs of electro-thermo-mechanical actuators forced by Joule heating. The design of these devices is carried out by a topology optimization algorithm based on topological derivatives and the level-set method. Theoretical framework and applicative examples are presented.

3 – Peter Gangl (RICAM Linz)
Title: Multi-material topology optimization of electric machines

Abstract: We are interested in the design optimization of the rotor of an electric machine which consists of ferromagnetic material, air regions and permanent magnets. Each magnet is magnetized in a given direction and we treat them as different materials. We present results obtained by a vector-valued level set method for multi-material topology optimization which is based on topological derivatives. This is joint work with Nepomuk Krenn (RICAM, Linz).

– P. Gangl. (2020), A multi-material topology optimization algorithm based on the topological derivative, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, Volume 366, 1 July 2020, 113090.
– P. Gangl, K. Sturm (2022), Automated computation of topological derivatives with application to nonlinear elasticity and reaction–diffusion problems, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, Volume 398, 1 August 2022, 115288.

4 – Florian Feppon (KU Leuven)
Title: Parallel body-fitted three-dimensional topology optimization of multiphysics systems.

Abstract: We demonstrate the effectiveness of the boundary variation method of Hadamard for three-dimensional topology optimization of weakly-coupled fluid thermal mechanical systems. Our numerical methodology relies on the use of body-fitted meshes generated with the open-source library MMg, on a level-set based mesh evolution method, on analytical expressions of shape derivatives, and on the null space algorithm for nonlinear constrained optimization. It is numerically applied to a variety of 3-d topology optimization of systems, such as lift-drag aerodynamic design, fluid-structure interaction and convective heat transfer. All our examples involve moderately large scale finite element computations which are achieved in parallel by using domain decomposition techniques in FreeFEM and PETSc.

F. Feppon, G. Allaire, C. Dapogny, P. Jolivet (2021), Body-fitted topology optimization of 2D and 3D fluid-to-fluid heat exchangers, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, Volume 376, 1 April 2021, 113638.

TOP Webinar 25, February 21, 2023, CET 16:00-17:30

We are pleased to announce the program of the 25th TOP Webinar, which is scheduled for the 21st February 2023, 16:00-17:30 pm CET (UTC+1) Time zone converter.

Please register at this link. This event will also be livestreamed on YouTube with this permanent link.

Host: Peter Dunning (University of Aberdeen, UK)

1. Mingdong Zhou (Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China)
Concurrent topology optimization of multi-scale cooling channels with inlets and outlets
Da Geng, Chuang Wei, Yichang Liu and Mingdong Zhou. Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, 65.8 (2022): 234.

2. Mehdi Tavakkoli (Shahrood University of Technology, Iran)
A parameter space approach for isogeometrical level set topology optimization.
Masoud Aminzadeh and Seyed Mehdi Tavakkoli. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 123.15 (2022): 3485-3506.

3. Rafael Palacios (Imperial College London, UK)
Aerostructural topology optimization using high fidelity modeling
Pedro Gomes and Rafael Palacios. Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, 65.5 (2022): 1-14.

4. Bret Stanford (NASA Langley, USA)
Shape, sizing, and topology design of a wingbox under aeroelastic constraints
Bret Stanford. Journal of Aircraft, 58.6 (2021): 1406-1415.

5. Julián A. Norato (University of Connecticut, USA)
A maximum-rectifier-function approach to stress-constrained topology optimization
Julián Norato, Hollis Smith, Joshua Deaton and Raymond Kolonay. Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, 65.10 (2022), 286.

TOP Webinar 24, January 26, 2023, CET 16:00-17:30

We are pleased to announce the program of the 24th TOP Webinar, which is scheduled for the 26th January 2023, 16:00-17:30 pm CET (UTC+1) Time zone converter.

Please register at this link. This event will also be livestreamed on YouTube with this permanent link.

Host: Kurt Maute (University of Colorado Boulder)

1. Chang Liu (Dalian University of Technology, China)
Xudong Jiang, Wendong Huo, Chang Liu, Zongliang Du, Xiaoyu Zhang, Xiao Li, Xu Guo, Explicit layout optimization of complex rib‐reinforced thin‐walled structures via computational conformal mapping (CCM), Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering Volume 404, 115745 (2023)

2. Nikolaos Galanos (National Technical University of Athens, Greece)
Nikolaos Galanos, Evangelos M. Papoutsis‐Kiachagias, Kyriakos C. Giannakoglou, Yoshiyuki Kondo & Koichi Tanimoto, Synergistic use of adjoint‐based topology and shape optimization for the design of Bi‐ fluid heat exchangers, Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization volume 65, Article number: 245 (2022)

3. Harrison Nobis (KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden)
Harrison Nobis, Philipp Schlatter, Eddie Wadbro, MartinBerggren, Dan S.Henningson, Modal laminar–turbulent transition delay by means of topology optimization of superhydrophobic surfaces, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, Volume 403, Part A, 115721 (2023)

4. Brice Rogié (Technical University of Denmark, Denmark)
Brice Rogié, Casper Schousboe Andreasen, Design complexity tradeoffs in topology optimization of forced convection laminar flow heat sinks, Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization volume 66, Article number: 6 (2023)

5. Joe Alexandersen (University of Southern Denmark, Denmark)
Joe Alexandersen, A detailed introduction to density‐based topology optimisation of fluid flow problems with implementation in MATLAB, Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization volume 66, Article number: 12 (2023)

6. David‐Henri Garnier (Ecole Polytechnique, France)
David‐Henri Garnier, Martin‐Pierre Schmidt & Damien Rohmer , Growth of oriented orthotropic structures with reaction/diffusion, Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization volume 65, Article number: 327 (2022)