TOP Webinar 16, October 28, 2021, Thursday, CEST 16:00-17:30

We are pleased to announce the program of the 16th TOP Webinar, which is scheduled for 28th October, CEST 16:00-17:30. Please register at this link. This event will also be livestreamed on YouTube with this permanent link.


Host: Yi Min ‘Mike’ Xie (RMIT University)

1 – Simon Thomas (The University of Sydney)

Simon Thomas, Qing Li & Grant Steven. ‘Finite periodic topology optimization with oriented unit-cells’. Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, 2021.

2 – Benedikt Kriegesmann (Hamburg University of Technology)

Micah Kranz, Julian K. Lüdeker & Benedikt Kriegesmann. ‘An empirical study on stress-based fail-safe topology optimization and multiple load path design’. Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, 2021.

3 – Matthew Gilbert (The University of Sheffield)

Helen E. Fairclough, Linwei He, Thomas J. Pritchard & Matthew Gilbert. ‘LayOpt: an educational web-app for truss layout optimization’. Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, 2021.

4 – Jiaming Ma (RMIT University)

Jiaming Ma, Zi-Long Zhao, Sen Lin & Yi Min Xie. ‘Topology of leaf veins: Experimental observation and computational morphogenesis’. Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials, Vol. 123, 2021, 104788.

5 – Yi Xia (Delft University of Technology)

Yi Xia, Matthijs Langelaar & Max A.N. Hendriks. ‘Optimization-based three-dimensional strut-and-tie model generation for reinforced concrete’. Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering, Vol. 36, 2021, 526– 543.

TOP Webinar 15, September 28, 2021, Tuesday, CEST 16:00-17:30

We are pleased to announce the program of the 15th TOP Webinar, which is scheduled for 28th September, CEST 16:00-17:30. Please register at this link. This event will also be livestreamed on YouTube with this permanent link.

Mattias Schevenels (KU Leuven, Belgium)

1 – Jamie Guest (Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, USA)
R. Behrou, R. Lotfi, J.V. Carstensen, F. Ferrari, and J.K. Guest. Revisiting element removal for density-based structural topology optimization with reintroduction by Heaviside projection. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 380:113799, 2021.

2 – Patrick Farrell (Oxford University, UK)
I.P.A. Papadopoulos, P.E. Farrell, and T.M. Surowiec. Computing multiple solutions of topology optimization problems. SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, 43(3):A1555-A1582, 2021.

3 – Gengdong Cheng and Yuan Liang (Dalian University of Technology, China)
Y. Liang and G. Cheng. Further elaborations on topology optimization via sequential integer programming and Canonical relaxation algorithm and 128-line MATLAB code. Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, 61(1):411-431, 2020.
Y. Liang, K. Sun, and G. Cheng. Discrete variable topology optimization for compliant mechanism design via Sequential Approximate Integer Programming with Trust Region (SAIP-TR). Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, 62(6):2851-2879, 2020.
X.Y. Yan, Y. Liang, and G. Cheng. Discrete variable topology optimization for simplified convective heat transfer via sequential approximate integer programming with trust-region. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 2021. Published online.

4 – Pierre Duysinx and Eduardo Fernandez (University of Liège, Belgium)
D. Trillet, P. Duysinx, and E.F. Fernández Sanchez. Analytical relationships for imposing minimum length scale in the robust topology optimization formulation. Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, 2021. Published online.
E. Fernández, C. Ayas, M. Langelaar, and P. Duysinx. Topology optimisation for large-scale additive manufacturing: generating designs tailored to the deposition nozzle size. Virtual and Physical Prototyping, 16(2):196-220, 2021.

5 – Vittoria Laghi (University of Bologna, Italy)
M. Bruggi, V. Laghi, and T. Trombetti. Simultaneous design of the topology and the build orientation of wire-and-arc additively manufactured structural elements. Computers & Structures, 242:106370, 2021.

TOP Webinar 14, August 26, 2021, Thursday, CEST 16:00-17:30

Hope you are having a nice summer. After a great WCSMO congress and a summer break, we resume the TOP Webinar series.

We are pleased to announce the program of the 14th TOP Webinar, which is scheduled for 26th August, CEST 16:00-17:30. Please register at this link. This event will also be livestreamed on YouTube with this permanent link.


Host: Josephine V Carstensen (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)

1 – Mingdong Zhou (Shanghai Jiao Tong University)
Yichang Liu, Mingdong Zhou, Chuang Wei & Zhongqin Lin. “Topology optimization of self-supporting infill structures”. Struct Multidisc Optim 63, 2289–2304 (2021).

2 – Emily Sanders (Georgia Institute of Technology)
Sanders, E. D., Pereira, A., & Paulino, G. H. (2021). “Optimal and continuous multilattice embedding”. Science Advances, 7(16), eabf4838.

3 – Shangqin Yuan (Northwestern Polytechnical University)
Shaoying Li, Shangqin Yuan, Jihong Zhu, Weihong Zhang, Han Zhang & Jiang Li. “Multidisciplinary topology optimization incorporating process-structure-property-performance relationship of additive manufacturing”. Struct Multidisc Optim 63, 2141–2157 (2021).

4 – Jorge Barrera (University of Colorado at Boulder)
Barrera, Jorge L., Markus J. Geiss, and Kurt Maute. “Hole seeding in level set topology optimization via density fields”. Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization 61.4 (2020): 1319-1343.

5 – Fengwen Wang (Technical University of Denmark)
Wang, Fengwen, and Ole Sigmund. “3D architected isotropic materials with tunable stiffness and buckling strength”. Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids 152 (2021): 104415.

We are looking forward to meeting you online soon!

TOP Webinar 13, May 27, 2021, Thursday, CEST 16:00-17:30

We are pleased to announce the program of the 13th TOP Webinar, which is scheduled for 27th May, CEST 16:00-17:30. Please register at this link. This event will also be livestreamed on YouTube with this permanent link.


Jun Yan (Dalian University of Technology, China)
Bin Niu (Dalian University of Technology, China)

1 – Gore Lukas Bluhm, Technical University of Denmark, Denmark
Gore Lukas Bluhm, Ole Sigmund, Konstantinos Poulios. Internal contact modeling for finite strain topology optimization, Computational Mechanics, 67, 1099–1114, 2021.

2 – Junji Kato, Nagoya University, Japan
T Nishino, J Kato. Robust topology optimization based on finite strain considering uncertain loading conditions. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 122:1427–1455, 2021.

3 – X. Shelly Zhang, University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign, USA
Xiaojia Shelly Zhang, HengChi, Glaucio H.Paulino. Adaptive multi-material topology optimization with hyperelastic materials under large deformations: A virtual element approach, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 370: 112976, 2020

4 – Emiel van de Ven, Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands
van de Ven, E., Ayas, C., Langelaar, M., Maas, R., van Keulen, F. Accessibility of support structures in topology optimization for additive manufacturing,International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 122(8): 2038-2056,2021

5 – Zunyi Duan, Northwestern Polytechnical University, China
Zunyi Duan*, Yongsu Jung, Jun Yan, Ikjin Lee*. Reliability-based multi-scale design optimization of composite frames considering structural compliance and manufacturing constraints. Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, 61(2):2401-2421, 2020

Topology Optimization for Manufacturing, April 29, 2021

We are pleased to announce the program of the 12th TOP Webinar, which is scheduled for 29th April, Thursday, CEST*(UTC+2:00) 16:00-17:30. Please register at this link. This event will also be livestreamed on YouTube with this permanent link.

Considering manufacturing aspects at an early design optimization stage is important to ensure that obtained designs can be realized. Within topology optimization, design for manufacturing therefore forms an active field of study, further stimulated by (but not limited to) technological developments in additive manufacturing. In this Thematic Session of the TOP Webinar Series, recent research on various aspects of topology optimization for manufacturing will be presented and discussed. We look forward to see you there!

* Note that this time in your time zone might be different from previous TOP Webinars, due to the transition from European daylight-saving time. For reference, CEST 16:00 on April 29th is 7:00 Los Angeles, 10:00 New York, 22:00 Beijing, 0:00 Sydney.

Host: Matthijs Langelaar (Delft University of Technology)


1.      “Simultaneous topology and fastener layout optimization of assemblies considering joint failure”, Olaf Ambrozkiewicz and Benedikt Kriegesmann.
Based on International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 122, no. 1 (2021): 294-319,

2.       “Topology optimization with discrete geometric components made of composite materials”, Hollis Smith and Julián A. Norato.
Based on Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 376 (2021): 113582,

3.      “Design of spatially-varying orthotropic infill structures using multiscale topology optimization and explicit de-homogenization”, Jaewook Lee, Chiyoung Kwon, Jeonghoon Yoo, Seungjae Min, Tsuyoshi Nomura, and Ercan M. Dede.
Based on Additive Manufacturing (2021): 101920,

4.      “Concurrent shape optimization of the part and scanning path for additive manufacturing”, Mathilde Boissier, Grégoire Allaire, and Christophe Tournier.
Based on (Preprint, 2021)

5.      “Additive manufacturing oriented topology optimization of structures with self-supported enclosed voids”, Luo, Yunfeng, Ole Sigmund, Quhao Li, and Shutian Liu.
Based on Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 372 (2020): 113385.

We are looking forward to meeting you online soon!

TOP Webinar 11, March 25, 2021, Thursday, CET 16:00-17:30

Dear colleagues,

We are pleased to announce the program of the 11th TOP Webinar, which is scheduled for 25th March, CET 16:00-17:30. Please register at this link. This event will also be livestreamed on YouTube with this permanent link.


Host: Emilio Carlos Nelli Silva (University of São Paulo, Brazil)

1 – Antonio Andre Novotny (National Laboratory for Scientific Computing, Petrópolis, Brazil)
A.A.S. Amad, A.A. Novotny & B.B. Guzina. “On the full-waveform inversion of seismic moment tensors”, International Journal of Solids and Structures, 202(1):717-728, 2020

2 – Liang Xia (Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China)
Zhen Liu, Liang Xia, Qi Xia, Tielin Shi, “Data-driven design approach to hierarchical hybrid structures with multiple lattice configurations”, Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization 61: 2227-2235, 2020

3 – José Carlos Bellido Guerrero (University of Castilla–La Mancha, Spain)
R. Ortigosa, J. Martinez-Frutos, D. Ruiz, A. Donoso, J.C. Bellido, “Density-based Topology Optimisation considering nonlinear electromechanics”, Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization (2021) – accepted

4- Peter D Dunning (University of Aberdeen, UK)
Fabian Wein, Peter D Dunning, Julian Norato – “A review on feature-mapping methods for structural optimization”, Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, 62, 1597–1638 (2020)

5 – Daniel Milbrath De Leon (Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil)
Daniel Milbrath De Leon, Juliano F. Gonçalves, Carlos E. de Souza, “Stress-based topology optimization of compliant mechanisms design using geometrical and material nonlinearities”, Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization (2020) 62:231–248

We are looking forward to meeting you online soon!

Topology Optimization of Flow-based Problems, Feb 23, 2021

We are pleased to announce the program of the 10th TOP Webinar, a thematic session on “Topology Optimization of Flow-based Problems”. It is scheduled for Feb 23, 2021, Tuesday. 16:00 – 17:30 pm CET.

Please register at this link.
This event will also be livestreamed on YouTube with this permanent link.

Joe Alexandersen, University of Southern Denmark

1. “3D topology optimization of heat sinks for liquid cooling” (15 min presentation + 5 min questions)
Sicheng Sun, Piotr Liebersbach, Xiaoping Qian – University of Wisconsin-Madison
Applied Thermal Engineering (2020)

2. “Three-dimensional topology optimization of thermal-fluid-structural problems for cooling system design” (15 min presentation + 5 min questions)
Minghao Yu, Shilun Ruan, Junfeng Gu, Mengke Ren, Zheng Li, Xinyu Wang & Changyu Shen – Dalian University of Technology
Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization (2020)

3. “Topology optimization of two fluid heat exchangers” (15 min presentation + 5 min questions)
Lukas Christian Høghøj, Daniel Ruberg Nørhave, Joe Alexandersen, Ole Sigmund, Casper Schousboe Andreasen – Technical University of Denmark
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer (2020)

4. “Body-fitted topology optimization of 2D and 3D fluid-to-fluid heat exchangers” (15 min presentation + 5 min questions)
Florian Feppon, Grégoire Allaire, Charles Dapogny, Pierre Jolivet – École Polytechnique
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering (2021)

We are looking forward to meeting you online soon!

Data-driven Approaches in Topology Optimization (DATO), January 26, 2021

Happy new year and best wishes for 2021!

We start this year with a thematic session of TOP Webinar on “Data-driven Approaches in Topology Optimization” (DATO). It is scheduled for January 26, 2021, Tuesday. 16:00 – 17:30 pm CET, (i.e., 9:00 – 10:30 am Chicago, 10:00 – 11:30 am New York, 7:00 – 8:30 am Los Angeles, 23:00 – 01:30 am Beijing, Jan. 27, 2:00 – 3:30 am Sydney).

Please register at this link. This event will also be livestreamed on YouTube with this permanent link.


Wei Chen (Northwestern University)
Shelly Zhang (University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign)

1 – Ying Zhou, Queensland University of Technology, Australia
A new data-driven topology optimization framework for structural optimization.
Ying Zhou, Haifei Zhan, Weihong Zhang*, Jihong Zhu, Jinshuai Bai, Qingxia Wang, Yuantong Gu*. Computers & Structures (2020), 239, 106310.

2 – Yongmin Liu, Northeastern University, USA
Probabilistic Representation and Inverse Design of Metamaterials Based on a Deep Generative Model with Semi-Supervised Learning Strategy.
W Ma, Feng Cheng, Yihao Xu, Qinlong Wen, and Yongmin Liu*.Advanced Materials (2019), 31 (39), 1901111.

3 – Glaucio Paulino, Georgia Institute of Technology, USA
Universal machine learning for topology optimization.
Heng Chi, Yuyu Zhang, Tsz Ling Elaine Tang, Lucia Mirabella, Livio Dalloro, Le Song, Glaucio H. Paulino*. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering (2021), to appear.

4 – Stefano Zapperi, University of Milan, Italy
Automatic design of mechanical metamaterial actuators.
Bonfanti, Silvia, Roberto Guerra, Francesc Font Clos, Daniel Rayneau-Kirkhope, and Stefano Zapperi*. Nature Communications (2020), 11, 4162.

5 – Liwei Wang, Northwestern University, USA
Deep generative modeling for mechanistic-based learning and design of metamaterial systems.
Liwei Wang, Yu-Chin Chan, Faez Ahmed, Zhao Liu, Ping Zhu, Wei Chen*. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering(2020), 372, 113377.

TOP Webinar 8, Dec. 17, 2020, Thursday, CET 16:00-17:30

We are pleased to announce the program of the 8th Top Webinar, which is scheduled for 17th December, CET 16:00-17:30. Please register at this link. This event will also be livestreamed on YouTube with this permanent link.


Host: Shinji Nishiwaki (Kyoto University, Japan)

1 – Kazuhiro Izui, Kyoto University, Japan
Isogeometric topology optimization of anisotropic metamaterials for controlling high‐ frequency electromagnetic wave
Shinnosuke Nishi, Takayuki Yamada, Kazuhiro Izui (Kyoto University, Japan), Shinji Nishiwaki (Kyoto University, Japan), Kenjiro Terada
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering (2020), 121 (6), 1218-1247

2 – Akihiro Takezawa, Waseda University, Japan
Sensitivity analysis and lattice density optimization for sequential inherent strain method used in additive manufacturing process
Akihiro Takezaw (Waseda University), Albert C. To, Qian Chen, Xuan Liang, Florian Dugast, Xiaopeng Zhang, Mitsuru Kitamura
Computer Method in Applied Mechanics and Engineering (2020), 370, 113231.

3 – Jeonghoon Yoo, Yonsei University, Korean
Single variable-based multi-material structural optimization considering interface behavior
Cheolwoong Kim, Hong Kyoung Seong, Il Yong Kim, Jeonghoon Yoo (Yonsei University)
Computer Method in Applied Mechanics and Engineering (2020), 367, 113114

4 – Martin-Pierre Schmidt, R&D SIMULIA, France
Structural topology optimization with smoothly varying fiber orientation
Martin-Pierre Schmidt (R&D SIMULIA), Laura Couret, Christian Gout, Claus B. W. Pedersen
Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization volume (2020), 62, 3105–3126

5 – Renato Picelli, University of São Paulo, Brazil
Topology optimization of binary structures under design-dependent fluid-structure interaction loads
R. Picelli (University of São Paulo), S. Ranjbarzadeh, R. Sivapuram, R. S. Gioria, E. C. N. Silva
Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization volume (2020), 62, 2101–2116

We are looking forward to meeting you online soon!

TOP Webinar 7, Nov. 24, 2020, Tuesday, CET 16:00-17:30

We are pleased to announce the program of the 7th Top Webinar, which is scheduled for 24th November, CET 16:00-17:30. Please register at this link. This event will also be live-streamed on YouTube with this permanent link.

Host: Julian Norato (University of Connecticut)

1- Seth Watts
Computational Engineering Division
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (USA)
Paper: Watts, S., Arrighi, W., Kudo, J., Tortorelli, D. A., & White, D. A. (2019). Simple, accurate surrogate models of the elastic response of three-dimensional open truss micro-architectures with applications to multiscale topology design. Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, 60(5), 1887-1920.

2- Tsuyoshi Nomura
Applied Mathematics Research Domain
Toyota Central R&D Labs (Japan)
Paper: Nomura, T., Kawamoto, A., Kondoh, T., Dede, E. M., Lee, J., Song, Y., & Kikuchi, N. (2019). Inverse design of structure and fiber orientation by means of topology optimization with tensor field variables. Composites Part B: Engineering, 176, 107187.

3- Mattias Schevenels
Professor, Department of Architecture, KU Leuven (Belgium)
Paper: Pellens, J., Lombaert, G., Michiels, M., Craeghs, T., & Schevenels, M. (2020). Topology optimization of support structure layout in metal-based additive manufacturing accounting for thermal deformations. Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, 61(6), 2291-2303.

4- Natasha Vermaak
Associate Professor, Lehigh University (USA)
Paper: Jia, X., Grejtak, T., Krick, B., & Vermaak, N. (2020). Topology optimization of tribological composites for multifunctional performance at sliding interfaces. Composites Part B: Engineering, 199, 108209.

5- Bin Niu
Associate Professor, Manufacturing Technology Institute, Dalian University of Technology (China)
Paper: Niu, B., Shan, Y., & Lund, E. (2019). Discrete material optimization of vibrating composite plate and attached piezoelectric fiber composite patch. Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, 60(5), 1759-1782.