Large-scale and Efficient Topology Optimization Approaches, October 29, 2020

Large-scale and Efficient Topology Optimization Approaches

1st Thematic Session @ 6th TOP Webinar –

October 29, 2020, Thursday, CET* (UTC+1:00) 16:00-17:30.

We are pleased to announce the program for the first thematic session on Large-scale and efficient topology optimization (TO) approaches at the sixth edition of the TOP Webinar (, scheduled for October 29, 2020, Thursday, CET 16:00-17:30. The thematic session covers several sub-topics and we will hear of Large-scale TO using high performance computing, Large-scale TO using sparse grids, efficient TO in Matlab and how to treat hundreds of millions of local constraints. There will be plenty of time for Q&A after the presentations and we are looking forward to seeing all of you there!

* Please note this time in your time zone might be different from previous TOP Webinars, due to the transition from European daylight-saving time. For your reference, CET 16:00 on Oct 29th is 8:00 Los Angeles, 11:00 New York, 23:00 Beijing, 2:00 (+1) Sydney.

Click here to register

Figure 1: Illustrations covering some of the results you can expect to learn more about at the 6th TOP Webinar.


Host: Niels Aage (Technical University of Denmark)

Dr. Boyan S. Lazarov on large-scale topology optimization using high performance computing: preconditioners. The presentation is based on Zambrano, M., Serrano, S., Lazarov, B. S. (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory), & Galvis, J. (2020). Fast multiscale contrast independent preconditioners for linear elastic topology optimization problems. Retrieved from

Dr. Federico Ferrari on efficient and easily accessible Matlab code for topology optimization. The presentation is based on Ferrari, F. (John Hopkins University), & Sigmund, O. (2020). A new generation 99 line Matlab code for compliance topology optimization and its extension to 3D.Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, 62(4), 2211–2228.

Mr. Yuanming Hu on single-computer giga-voxel topology optimization using a narrow-band sparse grid. The presentation is based on  Liu, H., Hu, Y. (CSAIL-MIT), Zhu, B., Matusik, W., & Sifakis, E. (2019). Narrow-band topology optimization on a sparsely populated grid. ACM Transactions on Graphics, 37(6), 1–14.

Dr. Gustavo da Silva on the augmented Lagrangian approach for hundreds of millions of constraints. The presentation is based on da Silva, G. A. (University of São Paulo), Aage, N., Beck, A. T., & Sigmund, O. (2020). Three‐dimensional manufacturing tolerant topology optimization with hundreds of millions of local stress constraints. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, online first.

Click here to register

Some adaptations of the webinar format

It has been five successful sessions! Thanks to our hosts, speakers, and participants (via Zoom or YouTube) all over the world. We have received valuable suggestions and comments, and are working on adapting the format.

  • In future sessions, all speakers have the same amount of time for presenting their work, i.e., 15 minutes, including a short Q&A. Previously it was 10 minutes. This extension could allow some elaboration on the idea, without going too much to the details. (We will no longer designate a keynote.)
  • We are launching thematic sessions, i.e., focusing on a specific (but broad) topic. The sessions alternate between thematic and general ones. The first thematic session is on Large-scale and efficient topology optimization approaches, scheduled for 29th Oct. Future topics include data-driven approaches, topology optimization for (advanced) manufacturing, multi-scale approaches, multi-physics problems, etc.

Finally, you may have noticed that slides from many speakers are available under ‘Past Webinars’. On this page, you also find links to video archives on YouTube and Bilibili. In the videos, chats before the official start are trimmed.

TOP Webinar 5, Sep. 22, 2020, Tuesday, CEST 16:00-17:30

We are pleased to announce the program of the fifth edition of the TOP Webinar (, scheduled for September 22, 2020, Tuesday, CEST 16:00-17:30.
(For your reference, CEST 16:00, i.e., 7:00 Los Angeles, 10:00 New York, 22:00 Beijing, 24:00 Sydney)


Host: Qing Li (University of Sydney)

Stress-based shape and topology optimization with cellular level set in B-splines
Yelin Song, Qingping Ma, Yu He, Mingdong Zhou, Michael Yu Wang (Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, China)
Struct Multidisc Optim (2020)

Isogeometric topology optimization of anisotropic metamaterials for controlling high‐ frequency electromagnetic wave
Shinnosuke Nishi, Takayuki Yamada, Kazuhiro Izui, Shinji Nishiwaki (Kyoto University, Japan), Kenjiro Terada
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering (2020), 121 (6), 1218-1247

Topology Optimization of Conformal Structures on Manifolds Using Extended Level Set Methods (X-LSM) and Conformal Geometry Theory
Qian Ye, Yang Guo, Shikui Chen (Stony Brook University, USA), Na Lei, Xianfeng Gu
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering (2019), 344: 164-185

Optimal design of shell-graded-infill structures by a hybrid MMC-MMV approach
Chang Liu, Zongliang Du, Yichao Zhu, Weisheng Zhang, Xiaoyu Zhang, Xu Guo (Dalian University of Technology, China)
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering (2020), 369: 113187

Topology optimization of dynamic acoustic–mechanical structures using the ersatz material model
Jie Hu, Song Yao, Xiaodong Huang (Swinburne University of Technology, Australia)
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering (2020), 372, 113387


The webinar takes place online, on Zoom. Please register here.
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar. In the confirmation email, you will also find a link to add the event to your calendar.
Registration is free, and takes a few seconds.

The event will be live-streamed on YouTube, with this link

Fourth edition, August 27, 2020, Thursday, CEST 16:00-17:30

We are pleased to announce the program of the fourth edition of the TOP Webinar (, scheduled for August 27, 2020, Thursday, CEST 16:00-17:30.
(For your reference, CEST 16:00, i.e., 7:00 Los Angeles, 10:00 New York, 22:00 Beijing, 24:00 Sydney)


Host: James K. Guest (Johns Hopkins University)

Mixed projection- and density-based topology optimization with applications to structural assemblies
Nicolò Pollini & Oded Amir, (Technion – Israel Institute of Technology)

Adaptive level set topology optimization using hierarchical B-splines
Lise Noël (University of Colorado at Boulder), M. Schmidt, C. Messe, J.A. Evans & K. Maute

Stochastic approaches to generating diverse and competitive structural designs in topology optimization
Yunzhen He, Kun Cai, Zi-Long Zhao, Yi Min Xie (RMIT University)

Thermomechanical topology optimization of shape‐memory alloy structures using a transient bilevel adjoint method
Ziliang Kang, Kai A. James (University of Illinois)

Topology optimization of heat sinks for instantaneous chip cooling using a transient pseudo-3D thermofluid model
Tao Zeng, Hu Wang, Mengzhu Yang, Joe Alexandersen (University of Southern Denmark)


The webinar takes place online, on Zoom. Please register here.
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar. In the confirmation email, you will also find a link to add the event to your calendar.
Registration is free, and takes a few seconds.

The event will be live-streamed on YouTube, with this link

Video of TOP Webinar 3

It is great to see so many of you during the summer vacation period! A special thanks goes to Niels, for sparing your hours on a beach (!?) to set up the zoom meeting and YouTube streaming. We thank our hosts Profs. Cheng and Guo, our speakers, and of course our participants around the world for joining us.

Below please find the recorded video of the third TOP Webinar.

You can also watch the same video on bilibili.
[youtube width=”744″ height=”419″][/youtube]

Third edition, July 21, 2020, Tuesday, CEST 16:00-17:30

We are pleased to announce the program of the third edition of the TOP Webinar (, scheduled for July 21, 2020, Tuesday, CEST 16:00-17:30.
(For your reference, CEST 16:00, i.e., 7:00 Los Angeles, 10:00 New York, 22:00 Beijing, 24:00 Sydney)


Host: Gengdong Cheng and Xu Guo (Dalian University of Technology)

Simultaneous optimization of build orientation and topology for additive manufacturing
Cunfu Wang, Xiaoping Qian (University of Wisconsin-Madison)

Design of phononic-like structures and band gap tuning by concurrent two-scale topology optimization
Xuan Liang, Jianbin Du (Tsinghua University)

Topology optimization of fluidic pressure-loaded structures and compliant mechanisms using the Darcy method
Prabhat Kumar, Jan S Frouws, Matthijs Langelaar (TU Delft)

Multifidelity design guided by topology optimization
Kentaro Yaji (Osaka University), Shintaro Yamasaki, Kikuo Fujita

A strategy based on the strain‐to‐kinetic energy ratio to ensure stability and convergence in topology optimization of globally resonating one‐material structure
Olavo M. Silva (Federal University of Santa Catarina), Miguel M. Neves


The webinar takes place online, on Zoom. Please register here.
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar. In the confirmation email, you will also find a link to add the event to your calendar.
Registration is free, and takes a few seconds.

We have taken actions to host more participants. The capacity of our Zoom meeting is increased from 300 to 500 participants. Meanwhile, we expect to live-streame the event on YouTube, with this link.


Video of TOP Webinar 2

We thank all speakers for their great talks and all participants for joining us and engaging in the discussion. Below please find the recorded video of the second TOP Webinar.

You can also watch the same video on bilibili.
[youtube width=”660″ height=”440″][/youtube]

Second edition, June 25, 2020, Thursday, CET 16:00-17:30

We are pleased to announce the second edition of the TOP Webinar (

The second edition is scheduled for June 25, 2020, Thursday, CET 10:00-11:30 16:00-17:30
(For your reference, CET 16:00, i.e., 7:00 Los Angeles, 10:00 New York, 22:00 Beijing, 24:00 Sydney)
(Please note this time is different from what we have previously announced. After some serious consideration, we decided to stay with 16:00-17:30, as in the first edition. This timeslot is believed to fit more participants. Our sincere apologies go to colleagues in Asia-Pacific for keeping you up late at night.)


Host: Ole Sigmund and Niels Aage (DTU Denmark)

Level-set topology optimization for maximizing fracture resistance of brittle materials using phase-field fracture model
Chi Wu, Jianguang Fang, Shiwei Zhou, Zhongpu Zhang, Guangyong Sun, Grant P. Steven, Qing Li (University of Sydney)

Layout optimization of simplified trusses using mixed integer linear programming with runtime generation of constraints
Helen E. Fairclough, Matthew Gilbert (The University of Sheffield)

Closing the gap towards super-long suspension bridges using computational morphogenesis
Mads Baandrup (Technical University of Denmark), Ole Sigmund, Henrik Polk, Niels Aage

Topology optimization with nozzle size restrictions for material extrusion-type additive manufacturing
Josephine Carstensen (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)

A method using successive iteration of analysis and design for large-scale topology optimization considering eigenfrequencies
Zhan Kang (Dalian University of Technology), Jingjie He, Lin Shi, Zhaohui Miao


The webinar takes place online, on Zoom. Please register here. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar. In the confirmation email, you will also find a link to add the event to your calendar.
Registration is free, and takes a few seconds.
By registering, you also subscribe to the email list of TOP Webinar, which will be used for announcing future events.

We have taken actions to host more participants. The capacity of our Zoom meeting is increased from 300 to 500 participants. Meanwhile, the event will be live-streamed on YouTube, with this link.

Recorded video is now online

The first event went pretty well. We thank all speakers for their great talks and all participants for joining us and engaging in the discussion. To those who were unable to join as the webinar room reached its capacity, our sincere apologies for our underestimation of the popularity. Below please find the recorded video.

[youtube width=”660″ height=”440″][/youtube]

Zoom capacity

The first TOP Webinar will go online in a couple of hours. As of now, we have received more than 460 registrations. This is truly fantastic. The number is beyond our expectations. It’s a pity that our zoom account allows us to accommodate a maximum of 300 participants. For today’s webinar, it means that some of you may experience difficulty to join. We sincerely apologize for this. We will record the webinar and upload it to YouTube. A link will be available on

We have taken actions to make sure that we can accommodate a much large number of participants for the next webinars.