We are pleased to announce the program of the 17th TOP Webinar, a thematic session on “Topology Optimization for Inelastic Design”. It is scheduled for 30th November, CET (UTC+1:00) 15:00-16:30*. Please register at this link. This event will also be livestreamed on YouTube with this permanent link.
*Please note this time in your time zone might be different from previous TOP Webinars, due to the transition from European daylight-saving time, and that we shift it by one hour to facilitate a large audience.

Host: Natasha Vermaak (Lehigh University USA)
1 – Iwona Jasiuk (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign USA)
Abueidda, Diab W., Ziliang Kang, Seid Koric, Kai A. James, and Iwona M. Jasiuk. “Topology optimization for three‐dimensional elastoplastic architected materials using a path‐dependent adjoint method.” International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 122, no. 8 (2021): 1889-1910.
2 – Piotr Tauzowski (Institute of Fundamental Technological Research of the Polish Academy of Sciences, POLAND)
Tauzowski, P., Blachowski, B. and Lógó, J., 2021. Topology optimization of elasto-plastic structures under reliability constraints: A first order approach. Computers & Structures, 243, p.106406.
3 – Mathilde Boissier (Ecole Polytechnique, FRANCE)
Boissier, M., Deaton, J.D., Beran, P.A. and Vermaak, N., 2021. Elastoplastic topology optimization of cyclically loaded structures via direct methods for shakedown. Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, pp.1-29.
4 – Haim Waisman (Columbia University USA)
Russ, J.B. and Waisman, H., 2021. A novel elastoplastic topology optimization formulation for enhanced failure resistance via local ductile failure constraints and linear buckling analysis. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 373, p.113478.
5 – Mathias Wallin (Lund University/LTH, SWEDEN)
Ivarsson, N., Wallin, M., Amir, O. and Tortorelli, D.A., 2021. Plastic work constrained elasto‐plastic topology optimization. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering. 1-24